Friday 16 March 2007

Family Guy is loading and I just bit my tongue...

.. so I'm not happy. Well I will be happy once Family Guy loads (apprantly there's several new episodes online that I havent seen, so lots of top drawer cartoon comedy to keep myself entertained with). Also, there was a tongue biting incident at 4.03am which has really pi$$ed me off!

March has been bad, I'm playing bad... and results are bad... poker.. bad.. is pretty much the theme here. What is really getting at me is that I'm sitting at a poker table, knowing what mistake I am making and getting frustrated with myself as I continue to make the same basic mistakes. I cant even begin to guess how many times I've open limped with such wonderful hands like 85-suited. I think its a product of my recent cash game action. If there are several limpers in a cash game 85suited becomes very playable, almost profitable. For the one time the same play is profitable in a tournament it is just not a justifiable play for the numerous blinds you throw away hoping to catch the miracle perfect flop. If I'm so intent on playing cash games I have to learn to adjust play for tournaments. In a tournament, if I'm playing well and limping in, I have a very good reason for it, if I'm playing bad, i'm limping too often and an easy source of chips for everyone... there ya go, free tell for ya!! Now all I have to do as pay attention to my game and fix this kind of blatent error, no excuses!

By the end of March I hope to have played 2-3 satalites for the Irish Open. If I don;t manage to luckbox a ticket from my various attempts it is quite likely the whole effort will cost me the wrong side of 500 squids... in anticipation of this I'm writing March off as a losing month with full details to follow (cash games have been bad, havent played much tourneys either). I will DEFINATELY come out of March, no more than negative 1000. So will still be comfortable up for the year, the €2000 win in February is paying for march... and if I do get a ticket, who knows, April could be stupidly profitable!!

After March though I think I will have to make April a no-no as far as playing poker is concerned. At the start of April I will play the Jackpot cash-league which should generate a few euro, then i'm dealing the Irish Open (assuming I havent got a ticket) and then its exam time... so I reckon poker playing will be limited.

1 comment:

Irish Poker Blog said...

"almost" being the key word. 85s etc isnt profitable, if you dump it in lp youll have no problem dumping it in ep.