Saturday 3 February 2007

Keeping mummy happy!

So as of January 1st mummy ditpoker asked that i keep track of my poker innings and outings. I know this is meant to be good for bankroll control and what not but i still consider myself a relatively casual player and i'm hardly trying to make a living from it. So anyway, my mission was to know how much of money is being invested in the poker world and how much is the kind/cruel poker world giving back to me. Given that I am shockingly lazy but have a keen sense of long-term hazy memory I know must systematically go back through January and work out where my money is... in true AMSTEL tradition, this is gonna be great! (sadly for the purposes of this 2007 exercise im not allowed include my €800 emporium win on the 29th of Dec, fecking self imposed rules!)

Ok, game on... first poker outing in January was the disappointing performance in the Monday jackpot game, 20 yoyo out the door. AJ, AQ and AQ into AA in four consecutive hands in a rebuy. player gone, negative 20. Moving on, the next day we tried our hand at the 100+10 game... a disappointing 11th, negative 110... but for some unexplained reason i sat into an Omaha cash game with 140 (negative 140) but left it with positive 350. I tells ya this game is a rollercoaster! Riding the wave i think i then took on the thursday 20 freezeout, again in the jackpot, negative 23, but took a nice 4th place (positive 70) decided to add my own 70 to this and sat into another omaha cash game (negative 140) and... well... er... zero positive. ooops.

In between all this luke "shoutman" ran a qualifier for the student poker championship and i took a nice positive 80 from this one after ending the tourney with about 60% of chips in play... well played to me eh!? Importantly in this game "aodea" had 'about 54k at the 300/600 level', and, "aodea" also had 'about 54k' at the 3k/6k level... the man is a rock!

during all the madness of january i played a fierce cash heads up game against our beloved hero "aodea" ... for change... interesting discussion on a hand where i folded a set of kings in this game can be found here! i ended this game up a fiver so positive 5.

i was in bulgaria for a week at the end of january, lots of little stt's for the bulgarian currency "lev" which is tiny, so playing for a fiver is worth very little, i think i was up over the course of the week but i still have 30 lev sitting somewhere that i have little intention of we'll call this even. as you can tell this is a very exact science.

last week has been an odd week. Tuesday i played the 100+10 game again, negative 110... but i chopped this with "al gibbons" apparantly. This was my biggest win to date so im all chuffed... positive 1090. Then there was the madness of a home game in aid of "aodea"'s one knee (long story, the man is an idiot, two sambucca's and a beer for breakfast is always going to lead to a knee injury. negative 10, positive 40. and sadly then attempted the thursday game again, and a 5 stt after so negative 28 on the thursday. I played so badly on the wednesday and thursday after playing some good poker on the tuesday, so have had to take the last few days off. ok.. now to do the maths... where's my calculator...

Totals if my maths is right...

so for january... positive 1054. that should keep mummy happy. not the most interesting read this post but keeps me on top of my poker moneysing (its a word).

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